




I got to this site when I was looking for an answer and found a similar question, How to use startMethodTracing APIs on Android?

I have the same problem than the original poster. I am trying to generate a trace file for Traceview using Debug.startMethodTracing("myapp") and I get an empty file no matter what I do while running the application.

I checked other solutions and tutorials around and I already put the needed line on the manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

and also put the android:debuggable="true" flag on it, just trying ;)

It's only Java, so I didn't use the Debug.startNativeTracing() method that was causing a different trouble to the OP.

Having matched start/stop pairs --proposed answer to that question-- doesn't work for me. I only have one pair.

I even tried putting the Debug.startMethodTracing("myapp"); and Debug.stopMethodTracing(); really close to each other just in case I was getting lost in the code --I'm fixing something made by somebody else--. But to no avail.

I tried also using "-trace myapp" on the emulator's command line call and using Debug.startMethodTracing(); --no parameter-- to see if it created a "default" file. I couldn't find it anywhere.

I used the Dalvik Debug Monitor "File Explorer" tool to check for these files.

Any other ideas?
