This question follows on from this vim search question
I have a setting in my .vimrc which excludes $ as a valid part of a word:
set iskeyword-=$
This works fine for most files but isn't working in PHP. I assume it is being overwritten by a php plugin, but since plugins are loaded after .vimrc I can't work out how to overwrite this setting. I'd prefer not to have to type
:set isk-=$
every time I load a PHP file.
Any suggestions?
( Ubuntu 8.04 / Vim 7.1.138 if it matters )
Two excellent answers, thank you!
I went with tomalak's because it was less effort, and added the following to my ~/.vimrc
autocmd FileType php setlocal isk-=$
but thanks also to Luc Hermitte. Putting the settings in a ~/vim/after/ftplugin/php.vim file also worked.
:help autocmd and :help after-directory both helped too