



I have seen that there are many books titled:

  1. Build Ecommerce website in php
  2. Build shopping carts in php or

Is there any book which explains, from scratch, how to start building a website in Java using any framework or with servlets or JSP?

Desired topics:

  1. Basic forms with logins and registration
  2. Building catalogue system
  3. Building shopping cart
  4. Building newsletters system
+1  A: 

Mirage, Why are you in so hurry? I think you don't want to learn technologies and get your website developed. Better to hire some web developers for you website. I saw your last post regarding the same thing with few different terms. First go and learn some basic web development. Otherwise you won't get anything in the end of the day.

So I can give you rough idea how can you proceed. 1. Login and registeration forms : read HTML forms or some JS forms. you can directly embed HTML in JSPs. so your form thing is done. 2. To build catalogue, shopping cart you can have a look at various open source CMS in java and can choose best suitable for you. Openedit provides all the functionalities you want. 3. For NewsLetters you can create RSS feeds, which can be done using OpenEdit.

I would suggest you to start learning, searching and developing some stuff instead of throwing questions after question on SO.

Nice link I foud on How CMS works.

Thanks, GG

Actually the thing is i want to start but i don't know where to start.Like i know html and JS, now where i am confused is that the backend logic of matching username and password should be done in JSP or Servlet or JSF or Facelts or SPring MVC or Wicket.Most of pople recommend me Spring MVC and some JSF2. Once i know what thing i need to learn then i can start. You cleared some of my doubts like open CMS can solve my shop cart issue. Now will those CMS can be installed on top of framework like SPRING MVC or JSF2 and many more.Sorry for that but i am confused. DO i need framework or cms will do
follow the link added, that should help.
thanks for the link , that removed my cms doubt but i am still not sure where does framework stand here because i can install cms alone as well without any Spring type framework

good ecommerce system contain:

  • page rendering (template system)
  • payment systems (visa, paypal, etc)
  • administration panel (change view, edit products, handle orders)
  • order and customer history
  • possibility to return order
  • multiple triggers: e.g. if item out of stock it is not possible to order it
  • ssl support
  • price group system
  • db transactions

It will take ages to write good system even for group of developers. Without understanding what webshop sellers need it is hard to develop from scratch.

If you need to run webshop - there are plenty of good and free already available. If you want to learn - i suggest that you find some opensource project and start commiting to it (you will learn much faster how things are done).

+1  A: 

Have you looked at Broadleaf Commerce? It's an e-commerce platform based on the Spring framework. It looks like you could get an e-commerce site up and running without doing any Java programming, but once you get a bit more comfortable with Spring/Java you could customise the site behaviour.

thanks buddy , that sound good