+1  A: 

Four methods in the NSString class can get you the info you want.

  • componentsSeparatedByString: is how you will separate your responses by line. Give it a string parameter that occurs once per line and then examine each component individually.
  • rangeOfString: can find the indicies of specific substrings that occur in your string. Use it to get the index of strings that you know will be there, like @"img src=\"" and @"a href=\""
  • substringFromIndex: and substringToIndex: Use these in conjunction with rangeOfString to surgically subtract the information you need. The fact that the filenames you want are between quotation marks will be a big help in your case.

Hope this leads you in the right direction.

Drew C

hey thanks for your help, my reputation is not high enough to give you a vote haa

btw, I have no idea how to reply to an answer haha