



Consider the following entities :

a) My own Wave-server b) My own Robots API c) Tomcat d) Google wave server/any other wave server

Let us consider that a and d interact with one another via Google wave federation protocol.

Now, I want to write my own Robots API in Java (similar to that of G Wave Robots API) using which I want to create Robots; which I want to host in entity c), which may in-turn connect to a) for listening to events and responding with operations. Let us consider that a) is already in place, i.e. implemented. Let us also consider that the Robot running on tomcat and entity a) are co-located, so that we do not need to use JSON-RPC for receiving events/sending operations; instead we can use Java interfaces.

Now, my questions are :

1.How much of an effort is it to write my own Robots API to run on a tomcat container ? 2.What are the salient points to be taken care of ? Am I missing some important point here ? 3.How can I reuse some of the classes/packages/interfaces (e.g., with little/no changes at all ?