



Hi all,

I have a report to be printed / exported to PDF format. for that i am using jasper reports. I have 8 individual pages to be exported. so i prepared 8 separate design files. In that 6 pages are having more static text and mere direct mapping and remaining two pages consists of table like data. one page contains huge table so i filled it directly with no problem by keeping a single table in detail band. now problem is that remaining one page. that page is having more than 5 small tables (two or four column). is t possible to have more that one table in a page in jasper reports ? i am using jasper reports and for designing jasper assistant/ireports.


Try setting the number of columns in your main report.

This will cause the tables to over flow to the second column when they hit the end of the page.

It can be set in the root node of your report like bellow.

    <jasperReport columnCount="2" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" 
columnWidth="275" columnSpacing="5">

If you are using iReport it can be set in the main reports properties in the column section.
