



hello, my basic issue: i allow a user login using a form, passed to a verification page, which then registers variables and lastly allows the user (me) to visit the posting page.

now, on this posting page i allow a content management system (edit and delete old posts).

i do so by displaying results in a div that is formatted with scroll and two links "Edit" and "Delete". if the users clicks the edit button it will reload the page with a query sent to the blog DB, pulling the info from the old post and populating my forms.

this works PERFECTLY in firefox on a PC, but not so on a mac (w firefox). this also does not work on a pc with Chrome, nor does it work w safari on a mac.

any insight would be largely appreciated. code below:
< ? session_start(); ? >

< html >
< head >
< script type="text/javascript" src="JSstuff.js"> < / script>
< link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" /> < /head>
< ?
//if user has clicked to edit, on chrome the bottom conditional comes back false. if (isset($_SESSION['user'])){
//page content, a mySQL connection etc. this works perfect and is not the srouce of issue.
$view_db .= '< a class="edit_entry" href="post.php?edit_id='.$row['id'].'">E< /a>';
//this is the link they click to redirect back with a edit id defined
} //load page stuff
< /html>

now, if i click the edit link on firefox on a pc, works JUST as i intended. but anywhere else it shows me a blank page.

this is because the session variable of user is getting unset somehow. this may be trivial to some of you, but it is definitely stumping me.

any help would be really great. thanks


To start you open a php tag with <?php not < ?

Oliver Bayes-Shelton
the spaces were done because my coding was not coming up properly on the stackoverflow page. please assume spaces are not actually present in code.
jason m