



Is there a way to copy the permissions of a Domain Group to a SharePoint Group in WSS 3.0? Where both groups have the same exact permissions including the Limited Access role definition.

I have tried to copy permissions programatically but can't get the Limited Access to be assigned on some objects (website, list, and list items). My process is start with a new SharePoint Group (no permissions assigned to anything). Then iterating through the entire site collection for each list item that has a unique role assigned, I assign the SharePoint group the same role definitions as the Domain group. Then onto list and website in that order. Then I iterate through the site collection again starting with list items and using its first unique ancestor, I copy the permissions of the Domain to the SharePoint group, and work my way up to web sites. In the end, I get almost a complete copy except for some where Limited Access does not show.

Am I safe to assume that maybe at one point in time there was an item that had unique roles assigned, the Domain group had been assigned permissions to it, then that item had been deleted and the Limited Access role for the site containing that item stuck?

Also am I safe to assume to disregard the Limited access if all the objects (sites, lists, list items) have the same roles defined? ie. a {Read, Limited Access} permission on a list for a Domain group is the same as just {Read} for another group on the same object?

Thanks in advance. -Bernard

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