



Lets say I have domain model with Automobile and Wheels. Wheels is a List of Wheels Wheels has a many-to-one relationship to Automobile.

If I get an object back from Hibernate and it has 4 wheels. I take that object remove the 4 wheels and add 4. And then Save.
If I ask Hibernate for the object again and it returns an auto with 8 wheels... what are we doing wrong? I don't have access to the source for a few days but want to give our Java devs a push in the right direction. Thanks.

+1  A: 

I believe, but am not 100% positive, that this depends on the cascade property of the collection. For example, if you have:

<hibernate-mapping package="">
  <class name="Automobile">
    <set name="Wheels" cascade="delete-orphan"> <!-- or "all-delete-orphan" -->

Then that would probably do it.

Matt Solnit

Your question sounds like a collection of @Embeddable class where a component (The part - Wheel) has its lifecycle bound to that of its owning entity instance (Automobile)

public class Automobile {

    private Integer id;

    private Set<Wheels> wheelsSet = new HashSet<Wheels>();

    public Integer getId() {

    public Set<Wheels> getWheelSet() {
        return this.wheelsSet;


If you do

Automobile auto = session
                  .createQuery("from Automobile a left join fetch a.wheelSet where = :id")
                  .setParameter("id", id)


  * All of wheels removed

  * New Wheels added
auto.getWheelSet().add(new Wheel());
auto.getWheelSet().add(new Wheel());
auto.getWheelSet().add(new Wheel());
auto.getWheelSet().add(new Wheel());


It will fullfil your needs. But keep in mind you must provide equals and hashCode implementation To work fine

public class Wheel implements Serializable {

      * equals and hashCode goes here
      * Prefer To use business key

Arthur Ronald F D Garcia