




i am running a mac with mamp and mamp pro. how do i check if i have apc enabled and if its not enabled or not installed how do i install it? thanks

i am trying to get the apc upload loader to work that i found online and it gets stuck on NAN% when im uploading.

this is a link: http://www.haughin.com/2007/10/23/php-upload-progress-with-php-52-apc/


Visit the phpinfo page that you can get to from inside the MAMP start page. That lists all of the loaded modules.

Here are the install steps for PHP-APC:

link text

You may be able to run pear or pecl inside MAMP to do the install easily.

Peter Loron

There's nothing to download or install. MAMP 1.9 includes APC already. To enable it, open Preferences/PHP. Uncheck 'Zend Optimizer' (because it's not compatible with APC), then choose APC from the 'Cache' drop-down box, submit the change with 'OK'.

Keith Morgan