




I have made an application that is coded only in ActionScript 3.0, and uses HTML and JavaScript for the display.

I would like to have the same result, but using Adobe AIR. I do not know Adobe AIR at all, so I was wondering if you could direct to some good tutorials that will teach me how I can move my .html/.js/.as files to Adobe AIR please. I am using Adobe Flash Builder 4.

Thank you very much,



Are you using HTML and JavaScript for anything other than embedding the SWF? If not, you can create a Flex project from Flash Builder (at least that was the way in Flex Builder 3 - I don't know if they've changed it) and mark output format as AIR to start with. The easiest way would be to add the main Sprite of your AS project as a child to the rawChildren of the WindowedApplication class of the AIR from the creationComplete event handler.

It is hard to say more without knowing what type of project you're talking about.

I actually use HTML and JavaScript to display information on the page and user interaction. I have calls with the ExternalInterface all other the place.Is the method that you described still work please? It appears from what I've read, that an Adobe AIR project can be programmed from JavaScript and HTML, so I wonder if my project would automatically work, or if HTML/JS has to be rewritten.Thanks for your help.