




im on a mac using mamp/mamp pro.

when i open apc scripts i keep getting this warning

“apc-6.php” is a script application downloaded from the Internet. 
Are you sure you want to open it?

ive downloaded and setup one of these scripts to test if apc works for me http://pecl.php.net/package/APC

and when i click around a message box with the above text is shown. what causes this and how can i stop it? its annoying.



Check out these links:

Seems like there's no easy solution. But I think in snow leopard should be an option to disable the message for further events.


Firefox triggers a download dialog any time it doesn't receive a content-type header, which happens when php segfaults. MAMP comes with Zend Accelerator enabled by default which, when combined with APC, causes segfaults. You can probably see this happen if you tail your apache error log -- segfaults are recorded there.

Disable zend accelerator in your MAMP config.

Frank Farmer

Type in Terminal:

defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool NO

or open /User/[username]/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.plist in Property List Editor and uncheck 'LSQuarantine'.

Then restart the computer. There may be a way to reload the LaunchServices from the command prompt but restarting is a sure bet.

This action should come with a serious disclaimer as it bypasses an OS X security feature but in the 9 months I've run Snow Leopard and been getting those messages, I've never had one I didn't authorize.
