



Hi, I would like to know how I can improve my development environment.

At the moment:

  • I'm using Netbeans as my IDE.
  • My local Dev server runs on a RHEL5 VirtualMachine similar to my production server.
  • My Netbeans project is editing the VM files via ssh (I have mounted the server as a local drive)


  • It's slow
  • Files can disapear ( netbeans delete them ? )
  • I can't use git on it because it's slow.

The idea would be to be able to have a shared filesytem between the guest os and the host os.

+1  A: 

Your setup sounds ok. You might need to give your virtual machine more resources however if your experiencing speed problems. That or move your server to a separate physical machine.

Ben Rowe
It only has 384mb at the moment. What would you advise?
(I'm only running a homecompiled php version and mysql)
Ben Rowe
Did you have any luck getting your server to run faster?
Ben Rowe
yes its better with more ram, I don't really understand why tho :d

I find XAMPP sufficient for nearly all development locally :)

I prefer using Vbox because the framework I'm using require to recompile php without all the core extentions. I also think it's better to stay close from the production env.

It depends on the type Virtual Machine you're running. For example Vmware is able to share a specific folder between the guest and the host OS

I'm running VirtualBox.
+1  A: 

You may try a setup for files the other way around. Keep your files an the host machine in the shared folder. Than on your VM create a symbolic link from your htdocs folder to that shared folder. In this case developing should be very fast but only running the website on your VM might be slower.

EDIT: My setup is the following:

  • I got a XAMPP running on Windows 7 for development
  • I got a SVN repository on the webserver the production system is runnig
  • In a separate subdomain on my webserver I have a test system running

So basically I develop under Windows, I test on the same machine that runs my production system. We even got Macs for developing as well. I never had any issues developing under Windows and running the page on a openSUSE system (beside case-sensitive file names). Using the exact same machine for the test server is a good idea as it has the same limitations as the production server. So I think having three system DEVELOPMENT, TEST, PRODUCTION is the best you can get. But if it is only for some smaller projects your setup look quite good.
