The only thing, that i needed, after i bought a Mac - is to install Aptana RadRails
After that, everything was up and running.
My favorite features in Aptana are:
- dynamic hinting, as i type console commands, like "db:fixtures:load"
- server logs, console commands, project explorer are sitting in right places (that i choose) in one window. No windows-clutter on the screen.
- highlighting of all occurences for local variable, that was clicked by mouse
- browser-like navigation. For example, hold "cmd" key and hover "orders" in "has_many :orders" string ... you will be navigated to "Order" model. This feature works with many items, like classes, functions, modules etc.
Currently, i have Aptana 2.04. Aptana 3, that will be released soon, will do everything even better.
Before writing something to views, i create HTML-makeup first.
I have a separated folder, especially for HTML-makekup. It contains HTML-page, that looks, like completed web-site, with all the HTML structure, that should be. I find this more effective, while playing with jQuery and CSS, because i don't need to wait for webrick (or other) server's response every time, i change CSS-property value.
I use TextMate with my favorite "Pastels on Dark" theme for HTML and JavaScript editing. It looks amazing, and so, i enjoying, what i do every day :)
I use CSSEdit for editing CSS, because:
- it has Dreamweaver-like CSS editing UI, without writing the code manually
- it has autocompletion, when you are going to edit something by hands
- it has good style navigator, that acts like outline view
Good luck!