




I’d like to know about the computer science. Is that a science or art ?Then what about the Information Technology ? What can be computed and What cannot be computed ? and I'd like to know about the Legal java code.


Computer Science, as its name says, it's a science.

Information technology is the study of the technology that handles information.

About Java legal (I understand "legal" as in law in Justice) code, I recommend you to read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language) so you can understand that Java does not belong to anyone, is just an specification. Different companies can implement the specification under their own license.

Everything can be computed. Some problems are computable and some others aren't. But most of the time, the problem with computable problems is to have it computed before the universe collapses :).

"Everything can be computed": Not quite, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_undecidable_problems and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computability_theory
True, thanks for the correction. I'll update my answer.
+1  A: 
  • Computer science is a science. It has absolutely nothing to do with art.
  • Information Technology or IT is generally used in the business world, not in academics. It could be considered applied computer science.
  • Computability is a very fundamental topic of computer science.
  • What java code is "legal" is determined by the grammar of the Java language described in the Java language specification. Scientifically, this branch of computer science is known as the theory of formal languages, closely related to compiler construction.
Michael Borgwardt