I'm trying to get my contacts from Windows Live using RestEasy
After succesfully authenticating my user, I've made the call to https://livecontacts.services.live.com/users/@L@/rest/livecontacts Set the authentication header, added my id and my tokens
If i make the call from command line using cUrl I get the expected output, but in my web application I'm getting back gibberish
Current interface class is
public interface WindowsLiveAPI {
Response getContacts(@PathParam("liveId") @Encoded String liveId, @HeaderParam("Authorization") String delegatedToken);
ThrowAway test:
WindowsLiveAPI client = ProxyFactory.create(WindowsLiveAPI.class, "https://livecontacts.services.live.com");
ClientResponse<LiveContacts> response = (ClientResponse) client.getContacts(LIVE_ID, DELEGATED_TOKEN);
System.out.println(response.getStatus()); //Produces 200 (401 after token expires)
System.out.println(response.getEntity(String.class)); //produces gibberish
Does anyone have any clue how to unmarshal the response