Hello *,
I need to update an Attributes column in an MSI file. Unfortunately, I am unable to find any documentation (esp. for C++).
Here is a code snippet of what I am trying to do:
DatabasePtr db = /* opening db succeeds*/
ViewPtr view = db->OpenView(_bstr_t("SELECT Attributes FROM Component"));
RecordPtr record=view->Fetch();
record->PutIntegerData(2, record->GetIntegerData(1)|2048);
// I do not exactly understand the next 2 lines
// Should I really call Execute before Modify?
record->Modify(msiViewModifyUpdate, record); //throws a _com_error
As stated upon record->Modify(...) throw a _com_error stating: IDispatch error #1000? What does that mean. Where Can I look up these error codes? These are not HRESULTs...
But more important questions are how do I update the record properly? How can I iterate through all selected records? Doing a new fetch and comparing the record with NULL results in an infinite loop.
Thanks for help,