



Very simple question: I want to optimize the following jQuery code with maximum readability, optimal performance and minimum fuss (fuss = declaring new variables etc):

$(".addthis_toolbox").append('<a class="addthis_button_delicious"></a>');
$(".addthis_toolbox").append('<a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>');
$(".addthis_toolbox").append('<a class="addthis_button_google"></a>');
$(".addthis_toolbox").append('<a class="addthis_button_reddit"></a>');
$(".addthis_toolbox").append('<a class="addthis_button_yetanotherservice"></a>');

JavaScript does have the with statement:

    append('<a class="addthis_button_delicious"></a>');

You might run into some confusing issues regarding variable scope using the with statement though.

You could use chaining to achieve the same thing:

$(".addthis_toolbox").append('<a class="addthis_button_delicious"></a>')
Justin Niessner
Did someone downvote this answer?
Salman A
@Salman A - Yes. Not sure why though.
Justin Niessner
I didn't downvote, but the Javascript community is virtually unanimous in condemning the `with` statement as an extremely bad idea. It is **not** an "optimization" since it generally results in poor performance. It can also cause memory leaks. Really, it's not a good idea.
@Pointy - *Most* things taken *from* VB were misguided :), oh yeah I said it.
Nick Craver
@Nick Craver - I'm with you on that one.
Justin Niessner
@Justin - Not my vote either (see my profile, I *very* rarely do that) is a valid solution, but I do agree with @Pointy's statement here, `with` is generally a bad idea, for readability *and* performance.
Nick Craver
@Nick Pascal had "with"; I'm pretty sure the idea predates VB by a couple decades!
@Pointy - Yeah...but it's tainted now, guilty by association :) I feel dirty when I write "End If" in oracle even ;)
Nick Craver
+6  A: 

You can just keep chaining on the same jQuery object, like this:

$(".addthis_toolbox").append('<a class="addthis_button_delicious"></a>')
                     .append('<a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>')
                     .append('<a class="addthis_button_google"></a>')
                     .append('<a class="addthis_button_reddit"></a>');
Nick Craver
Even better: just append a single string containing all those elements.
Andy E
@Andy - Agreed *for this example*, but might be something else at play here. A single string for the anchors would be a cached document fragment giving a decent performance boost here if there were a lot of `.addthis_toolbox` elements, but wasn't sure what the "..." part of the question was :)
Nick Craver
@Nick: definitely :-)
Andy E
@Andy: yes, that's the best possible way performance-wise but it'll decrease readability.
Salman A
@Salman - Strings can be `"string part 1"` + (newline) + `"string part 2"`...not sure how it'd decrease readability any. Readability is relative though, there are reasons *not* to use `with`, you can see both sides here:
Nick Craver