Is there a way in Spring to get an object programatically as if it was injected by the xml file.
Here is what i mean
I have this class called securityDelegate. It's instances are always created by spring
<bean id="securityDelegate" class="securityBusinessDelegate" lazy-init="true">
<property name="securityServiceEJB" ref="securityServiceEJB"/>
<property name="securityService" ref="securityService"/>
I need to use an instance of this class in a SessionListener, and as I understand, since this is at a servlet level, I can't inject an instance of securityDelegate into my HttpSessionListener
What I would like to do is to retrieve an instance through java code, inside my implementation, to do something like this
public class SessionListener implements HttpSessionListener {
//other methods
public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) {
//get an instance of securityBusinessDelegate here
I seem to recall this was possible last time I used spring (3+ years ago), but I could be confused. Maybe setting up a factory?
Thanks in advance