





I have to make a project for the Windows OS in strics ANSI C (so im not allowed to use C++, C# or Objective-C). And I'm wondering if it is possible to use any kind of graphics. And if it's possible, how can I? Are there any open source frameworks for strict ANSI C that allow me to use GUI programming?

Thanks in advance,

Marnix van Rijswijk.

+2  A: 

I am assuming you are just not allowed to use any other C-derived language, not limited to only using the features plain ANSI-C gives you. Otherwise asking for frameworks doesn't make any sense - everything outside the standard-library would be off-limits for you.

If you are only targetting windows you can just use the WinAPI. Alternatively you could get a higher abstraction level and better portability by using toolkits like gtk+.

Georg Fritzsche
thanks for the quick answer, you totally answered my question. cheers!