I'm a bit of a Ruby on Rails amateur, and I am trying to nest a div tag inside of an anchor tag in rails. I can make it work, but the resulting code I have written is terrible and is certainly NOT the rails way.
Here is an example of what I am trying to accomplish in HTML:
<a href="tell-a-friend">
<div id="tellafriend">
<strong>Strength in Numbers.</strong><br />
Suggest a friend or colleague to participate in this survey.
Here is what I came up with to do it in ERB:
<%= link_to content_tag(:div,
content_tag(:strong, 'Add your labor rates now.') +
content_tag(:br, '') + ' We are counting on you.', :id => 'participate'),
participate_path %>
Or here I mixed some HTML and ERB:
<%= link_to '<div id="results">
<strong>See the results.</strong><br />
Knowledge is power.
</div>'.html_safe, results_path %>
Both of my solutions seem very ugly... but moving it into a helper didn't seem like the right thing to do, given that the content of the DIV changes and that I am only displaying 3 of these on one page.
So if anyone is aware of a better way to do this, I am interested! Any combination of HTML, ERB and HAML is ok by me.