I'm somewhat curious about the "best practices" when it comes to trapping the ENTER key in an html input tag. In IE, it's easy. window.event.keyCode will be 13 when enter is pressed and it's pretty straight forward. In all other browsers, an arguments object is passed into the function. However, this seems to basically force you to late-bind a function handler to the object. You can do:
myInput.onkeypress = function (args)
However, if you wanted to do:
<input onkeypress="checkEnter()" />
Then basically checkEnter() would be called by an anonymous function (which in theory would have the argument object) which would then call checkEnter with no parameters. I guess you could do something totally wacky like:
<input onkeypress="checkEnter(arguments)" />
I haven't tried this but I assume it could work. It seems that this design basically says late-binding is the only reasonable approach for trapping key presses. I'm not a fan of IE in any way, but it seems to me IE got this one right and their design is superior.
Am I missing something?