Hello, Subject. And If I Can that second question How? I tried to use "trang" java library and nothing happened :(
I used next command:java -jar trang.jar -I rnc -O xsd -i test.rnc -o test.xsdand received next error:fatal: at least two arguments are requiredTrang version 20081028usage: java com.thaiopensource.relaxng.translate.Driver [-I rng|rnc|dtd|xml] [-O rng|rnc|dtd|xsd] [-i input-param] [-o output-param] inputFileOrUri ... outputFile
2010-06-19 14:38:38
@jitm - the command-line arguments you used don't match the syntax as described by the error message!
Stephen C
2010-06-19 14:51:56
Yes, I understood and I've written correct syntax below.
2010-06-19 19:12:34
Yes Trang works: The correct command line is java -jar trang.jar -I rnc -O xsd test.rnc test.xsd
2010-06-19 14:45:40