I know there is lots of question with the same sort of subject, but this question is specific to the IEEE CSDP Certification
As I am currently living and working in Australia,I found that the IEEE CSDP is quite hard to see on people's resume. Most people just don't know what you are talking about.
I've got some doubts whether is worth it to invest in such an accreditation since it's not well-known in the Ausie market (although I reckon this is widely known in the US).
Having said that, the basic questions that come up to my mind are:
- Is it worth investing on something that is not yet known in your market?
- Would this certification help you in a management perspective or it's really a technical one? Since it covers the whole SDLC I'd say this would help you in managing software development projects ....
- If this is not the best option for someone who is looking at their next carrers step, on a more management kind of role but always related to software projects, what would you recommend in terms of certifications?
I would really appreciate any comments, especially from those who actually have this certification.
EDIT: Can anyone help me with this one ?