



I am running a bit of code that looks like this:

result = system("ruby " + filename_random_ruby_script)
if result
  # Do Nothing

The variable "random_ruby_script" represents any .rb file.

This code is the first of many calls to system() and runs a ruby file that may also contain calls to system(), disk reads/writes, HTTP requests, and so on.

The ruby file must be run to find out what it does, but it might try to read/write/execute something other than itself and I don't want it deleting my HDD or posting lewd tweets.

I want to make a space where this program can run with no permission to write/execute anything in it's parent directories, but access to read anything locally and via any network protocol.

I also want to know if it tries to write/execute anything locally or on the net.

There is probably a gem or software that does something similar, but I am very green to sand-boxing my code, so pretty much any suggestion will be helpful.


Use safe level and don't run the script with system

This was used, for instance, in the old github gem builder (gemspecs being normal executable ruby code).

Ben Hughes
I am testing the file for compilation. Can I do this without calling system and with a safe level?
yes. requiring or loading a file will cause the code to be loaded in and "compiled" (if you're on MRI, it will actually be interpreted into an abstract syntax tree, as MRI is not a compiler).Alternatively, you could run the code with ruby -c, which will check the syntax (but not the functionality).
Ben Hughes
Thanks Ben that helps a lot.