



I'm using the popular subdomain-fu for subdomain functionality in my Rails app. I've watched the Railscast and read everything I could find through google.

In the dev environment, you need to manually add the available subdomains to the /etc/hosts file. I get that. But how does this work in production? This seems to be considered so obvious that nobody mentions it anywhere. But I guess I don't get it.

Clearly, it must be possible to set up a dynamic solution in production or else subdomains couldn't scale at all, but I'm not sure exactly what I need to do. I'm running Apache + Passenger on an Ubuntu box. I've set up a wildcard ServerAlias in my vhost file like this:

ServerAlias *

But I'm not sure what else I need to do in order for my subdomains to resolve correctly. Any guidance about the standard approach to this would be much appreciated.


You'll need to update the DNS records for your domain (most domain providers will provide a simple web interface for doing this). You need to add an A record for each subdomain mapping the name of the subdomain to the IP address of your server.

+1  A: 

You'll need to setup a wildcard dns entry to redirect all subdomains to your server(s).

Here's a guide:
