



I write a little web API which should it make easy to create URIs. Each resource class should contain a method createURI which takes the needed parameters. This method should use a helper method, populateUriTemplate, in the background to create an URI string. populateUriTemplate needs key value pairs to populate an URI template. In another language like Scala or Python I would use named parameters, but Java doesn't support them. So the question is: How to simulate named parameters in Java?

The straight forward solution would be to create a map:

public String createUri(int id, String name){
    Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    params.put("id", id);
    params.put("name", name);
    return populateUriTemplate(params);

But I don't like to create a map first and put each parameter to it.

Another idea is to use a static method, param, to create key value pairs:

public String createUri(int id, String name){
    return populateUriTemplate(param("id", id), param("name", name));

Looks much better to me!

It could be refined a bit to make it more self-explanatory, even if a few more characters are needed:

public String createUri(int id, String name){
    return populateUriTemplate(key("id").value(id), key("name").value(name));

I've also thought of the builder pattern, but this would force the user of my API to create an explicit builder for each resource class, what would be tedious without a benefit. The type of the parameter is not important, as long as a proper implemented toString method exists.

My favourite is one of the both approaches with the static methods above (param(key, value) or key(k).value(v)). Do you know a better way to simulate named parameters in this case?

+1  A: 

Maybe you like this approach:

class Params {
    private HashMap<String, Object> allParams = new HashMap<String,Object>();

    public Params(ParamEntry...params) {
        for( ParamEntry p : params ) {
            allParams.put(, p.value);

    public getParam(String name) {
           return allParams.get(name);

    class ParamEntry {
        public String name;
        public Object value;

public String createUri(Params.ParamsEntry ... params){
    return populateUriTemplate(new Params(params));

To call it use

createUri(new Param.ParamEntry("name", valueObject) );

Inside the populateUriTemplate... just use params.get("name");

You may add a static method to create a param so it would be the same as the second idea proposed in the question.

Spring MVC does exactly this. As well as being able to bind requests to specific methods in controller classes, you can bind request parameters to method parameters. You can have a look to see how it works, but basically it picks a strategy to map the right request parameter to the right method parameter.

You basically get something like:

public String createUri(@RequestParam int id, @RequestParam String name){
    return populateUriTemplate(id, name);
+1  A: 

For some ideas on the builder pattern, you could see this blog post by Stephan Schmidt.

You also just gave me the idea to do the following, with fluent interfaces, a Callable, and a static method:


Which would require createing a Callable class (CreateUri) with the static method:

public static final CreateUriFluentInterface createUri() {
    return FluentInterface.of(new CreateUri(), CreateUriFluentInterface.class);

And a fluent interface, like this:

public interface CreateUriFluentInterface {
    public CreateUriFluentInterface id(Integer id);
    public CreateUriFluentInterface name(String name);

Which isn't that much boilerplate code, is it?

(Well, if you tone down that horribly named CreateUriFluentInterface a bit, it isn't.)

(You would probably have CreateUriFluentInterface extend Callable<String>, to be able to reroute the call to Callable#call())

Cool, I can do partially parametrized functions this way! ^^
Looks nice, but the user of my API has to create a FluentInterface for each resource class, what I want to avoid.
populateUriTemplate("id",id, "name",name);

void populateUriTemplate(Object... nvs){
    for(int i=0; i<nvs.length/2; i++)