I've been at this for a couple of day, and am having no luck at all. Despite reading over these two posts, I can't seem to rewrite this little python script I did up in ruby.
clean_link = link['href'].replace(' ', '%20')
mp3file = urllib2.urlopen(clean_link)
output = open('temp.mp3','wb')
I've been looking at using open-uri
and net/http
to do the same in ruby, but keep hitting a url redirect issue. So far I have
clean_link = link.attributes['href'].gsub(' ', '%20')
link_pieces = clean_link.scan(/http:\/\/(?:www\.)?([^\/]+?)(\/.*?\.mp3)/)
host = link_pieces[0][0]
path = link_pieces[0][1]
Net::HTTP.start(host) do |http|
resp = http.get(path)
open("temp.mp3", "wb") do |file|
Is there a simpler way to do this in ruby? Also, as with the python script, is there a way to only download part of the file?
EDIT: progress updated