How can I draw smooth lines with actionscript 3 (using flex 4)?
I mean: I do something like this:
var grap:Graphics =;
grap.lineStyle(8, 0xFF0000, 1, true, "normal", CapsStyle.ROUND);
But the result looks like this: :(
The edges of the lines are very crispy, how can I improve this?
Especially when drawing the line through a Tween, it looks like a drunken man walking on the sidewalks ;)...
The tween code for drawing the line:
var grap:Graphics =;
grap.lineStyle(8, 0xFF0000, 1, true, "normal", CapsStyle.ROUND);
new Tween(this, [220, 330], [240, 130]);
And in the onTweenUpdate method:[0], values[1]);
Please some advice on this?
BTW: how can best remove the default background of the flash object ? (the grey background). I have this in my index.mxml:
<mx:Application xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" width="400" height="600"
addedToStage="start()" styleName="plain" backgroundImage="{null}">
But I see a flickering often (in development mode), which means I first see the default grey background and then a white one...
Thanks in advance