Here's a quick tip that is not directly related to your question: in Ruby, there is no such thing as an if
statement. In fact, in Ruby, there are no statements at all. Everything is an expression. An if
expression returns the value of the last expression that was evaluated in the branch that was taken.
So, there is no need to write
if condition
This would better be written as
if condition
Or as a one-liner
foo(if condition then something else something_else)
In your example:
something.meth(if val == 'hi' then 'hello' else 'right' end)
Note: Ruby also has a ternary operator (condition ? then_branch : else_branch
) but that is completely unnecessary and should be avoided. The only reason why the ternary operator is needed in languages like C is because in C if
is a statement and thus cannot return a value. You need the ternary operator, because it is an expression and is the only way to return a value from a conditional. But in Ruby, if
is already an expression, so there is really no need for a ternary operator.