Hi there!
I have a few views in my Drupal site that are getting extremely out of hand... The views show nodes from different content types in the same listing, and are formatted differently depending on the content type... This has so far required a lot of custom PHP-fields, rewriting output, and a bit of black magic. Totally unmaintanable code. :)
So, what I'm looking for is a module, or a technique, or a hack, to more gracefully make different content types and their CCK fields show up in the same listing.
Here's a pseudoexample:
Video node: Node Title Embedded video field Comment count
News article node: Custom CCK title field Node body Comment count but with rewritten output to insert a div class or something
For this example in my current layout, I would add node title to fields but exclude it from output, then outputting it in a php customfield with an if-statement, same with node body (since both node types have titles and bodies but only one of the two types should display it). Comment count would be added twice, then I'd exclude both and output them again through a custom php-field with a switch-statement for content types... Ugly, huh?
Any advice on modules, hacks or better design choices are welcome. :)