



I need to make a Control which shows only an outline, and I need to place it over a control that's showing a video. If I make my Control transparent, then the video is obscured, because transparent controls are painted by their parent control and the video isn't painted by the control; it's shown using DirectShow or another library, so instead the parent control paints its BackColor.

So - can I make a control that doesn't get painted at all, except where it's opaque? That way, the parent control wouldn't paint over the video.

I know I could make the border out of four controls (or more if I want it dashed) but is it possible to do what I want using just one control?

+3  A: 

You could try to make a Region with a hole inside and set the control region with SetWindowRgn.

Here is an example (I couldn't find a better one). The idea is to create two regions and subtract the inner one from the outer one. I think that should give you what you need.


You could try setting the Form.TransparencyKey property. Failing that, you could use DirectX to get access to the frame buffer and draw directly to it.


I misread the question. Although forms can be made transparent and show video through them, doing the same with a control/child form is much harder and does require the controls under the transparent control to raise paint events on their update.

rslite is right - although you don't even need to go so far as to use PInvoke like his example does - the Control.Region property is entirely sufficient.



I try to do the same in VB.

I have a custom control drawing a grid, which should be visible over a vlc-video. When I start playback the grid disapears, stopping playback brings it back again.

I do:

GridCTRL.BackColor = Color.Transparent
GridCTRL.Parent = AxVLCPlugin

and in the code of the gridCTRL:

MyBase.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True)

It work, but not in combination with video playback. Can someone please explain the solution again for me?

