This is a similar question to one posted earlier, but slightly different. I'm interested in what your favorite Open Source app is. I don't care if it's well coded or if it isn't active anymore, I just am interesteed in apps that work and do something useful. The internet is a big place, so with a few suggestions some of us may find a new favorite app.
Besides Minefield nightly? Probably Miranda IM. And Wordpress. And Drupal. And Adobe AIR SDK. And love/hate relationship with PostgreSQL.
3 apps I use everyday; Ubuntu, Firefox and Eclipse.
All easy to use and extensible.
Great for quick looks at code files without having to open an IDE for syntax highlighting.
Like others have stated, way to many to list here but here is a sample of my favorites.
- Firefox
- Eclipse
- Paint.NET
- Putty
- SharpDevelop
Not apps but still great open source components
- FreeNAS
- Red5
And not open source but free
- RegEx Coach
I mentioned it in a similar thread, here. Google Chrome/chromium is a great project to learn from.
Eclipse, Firefox and PostgreSQL
About the latter, I am perpetually amazed at the maturity and sturdiness of PostgreSQL!
- Linux
- Firefox
- Wordpress
- jEdit
Drupal is a good study in plugin-type architecture ("hook" system).
GNU Screen is one of the most interesting and useful apps I've come across.
Right now, this is the open source project with the most wide ranging impact on software development for years to come.
Ubuntu is the best open-source project in the history of open-source projects in my opinion.
NASA World Wind (Java). They also helped improve JOGL a lot (java Open GL) which is another good open source product.