Hi i am making a website & want to use the dynamic content effect as the following reference : http://www.diftype.com/
after copied the source, it's work for the fade in effect, but can't call the entry to the content area.
i checked the "get_entry.php" file, which is a empty, so i think the most problems is from the "jquery.corefunctions.js"
so i post the detail as below, please help to fix it, thanks a lot!!
firstLoad: function(id) {
if(!location.hash && id) {
contentTarget: undefined,
latestLoad: undefined,
sendRequest: function(id) {
if(!id) return;
id = decodeURIComponent(id);
if(id == jQuery.latestLoad) return;
if(id.search("tag-") < 0) jQuery.contentLoad(id);
else jQuery.tagClick(id);
contentLoad: function(id) {
$(".link-text, .page-link").removeClass("link-active");
$("#thumb"+id+" .link-text,#list"+id+" .link-text").addClass("link-active");
type: "get",
url: "core/functions/get_entry.php",
data: "id="+id,
datatype: "php",
success: function(data){
$('php').animate({scrollTop:0}, 200);
jQuery.latestLoad = id;
contentInsert: function(data) {
var id = jQuery.contentTarget.attr("id");
$(".link-text, .page-link").removeClass("link-active");
jQuery.latestLoad = "";
tagArray: undefined,
tagClick: function(id) {
var tag,arr,ex;
tag = $(this).attr("name");
arr = jQuery.tagArray[tag];
if(!arr) arr = [];
$(".entry-link").each(function() {
ex = false;
for (var i = 0;i<arr.length;i++){
var e_id = $(this).attr("id").replace(/list/,'').replace(/thumb/,'');
if( e_id == arr[i] ) ex = true;
if(ex) $(this).fadeTo(200,1.0);
else $(this).fadeTo(200,0.25);
tagAll: function() {
$.latestLoad = "";
$(".link-active").each(function() {
$(".entry-link").each(function() {