Your question is a little vague, and there are no commas in your example, so it's a bit hard to provide a good answer.
On your example file containing
"Name" "Tom" "CODE 041" "Has"
"Address" "NSYSTEMS c/o" "First Term" "123" 18
"Occ" "Engineer" "Level1" "JT" 18
this script
import csv
reader = csv.reader(open('test.txt'), delimiter=' ', quotechar='"')
for row in reader:
['Name', 'Tom', 'CODE 041', 'Has']
['Address', 'NSYSTEMS c/o', 'First Term', '123', '18']
['Occ', 'Engineer', 'Level1', 'JT', '18']
This assumes that the delimiter between values is a space. If it's a tab, use delimiter='\t'
You're out of luck with this approach if delimiters change throughout the file - in this case they are not valid CSV/TSV files anymore. But all this is just speculation until you can provide some actual and relevant examples of the data you want to analyse.