Assuming I have a contact saved in my addressbook, called "TomTasche" with the mail-address "[email protected]". How can I retrieve the contact's name, if I only know the mail-address?
I already asked a similar questions about retrieving contact's nickname here, but if I change that code to query the mail, like that:
Cursor cur = context.getContentResolver().query(Email.CONTENT_URI, new String[] {Email.DISPLAY_NAME, Email.TYPE, Email.CONTACT_ID}, Email.DATA + " = " + "[email protected]", null, null);
final int nameIndex = cur.getColumnIndex(Email.DISPLAY_NAME);
final int typeIndex = cur.getColumnIndex(Email.TYPE);
final int idIndex = cur.getColumnIndex(Email.CONTACT_ID);
if (cur.moveToFirst()) {
name = cur.getString(nameIndex);
type = cur.getString(typeIndex);
id = cur.getString(idIndex);
} else {
name = UNKNOWN;
it forces close and logcat tells me that there's a syntax error near @gmail.
06-22 09:21:14.260: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(110): Writing exception to parcel
06-22 09:21:14.260: ERROR/DatabaseUtils(110): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "@gmail": syntax error: , while compiling: SELECT display_name, data2, contact_id FROM view_data_restricted data WHERE (1 AND mimetype = 'vnd.android.cursor.item/phone_v2') AND (data1 = "Tom" <[email protected]>)
Interesting is that it seems to query fine. Logcat prints out the contact's name:
06-22 09:21:14.260: [...] AND (data1 = "Tom" <[email protected]>)
So, how am I able to retrieve the name?
Syntax Error is caused by missing quotes, but cursor returns null anyway.