I was thinking how could i save time on looking up remote ejb reference through jndi. I had an application that needed to work very fast, but it also had to call remote ejb which slowed it down.
So my solution was something like this: I took apache commons-pool library and used its StackObjectPool implementation for my remote ejb references cache.
private static final ObjectPool pool = new StackObjectPool(new RemoteEjbFactory());
Factory looks something like this:
public static class RemoteEjbFactory extends BasePoolableObjectFactory {
public Object makeObject() {
try {
return ServiceLocator.lookup(jndi);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Could not find remote ejb by given name", e);
Then i take object by borrowing it from pool (if no free object in pool it uses factory to create one):
SomeEjbRemote someEjb = null;
try {
someEjb = (SomeEjbRemoteImpl) pool.borrowObject();
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (someEjb != null) {
pool.clear(); // Maybe its not neccessary
someEjb = (SomeEjbRemoteImpl) pool.borrowObject();
someEjb.invokeRemoteMethod(); // this time it should work
And of course returning ejb back to pool after successful invokacion
finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Could not return object to pool.", e);
As i understand there is no guarantee that remote reference will stay connected so if we catch exception using cached remote ejb, we just invalidate that object and retry.
What do you think about such approach? Is it correct? Maybe some other solutions, advices?