I have PHP code that execute a stored procedure 10 times. If one stored procedure call fails, it should continue on, and at the end commit the transaction.
It basically looks like this:
$connection = getConn();
foreach($row as $i=>$j) {
$statement = OCIParse($connection, $SQL);
oci_bind_by_name($statement, 'VAL1', $row[i]['FIRSTVAL']);
oci_bind_by_name($statement, 'VAL2', $row[i]['SECONDVAL']);
$success = @OCIExecute($statement, OCI_DEFAULT);
if(!$success) {
print 'Exception in stored proc call';
else {
print 'Success';
My question is, if there is an exception raised in, say, the 5th stored proc call, will that roll back all the stored proc calls up to that point?