





I've learned some python, but I'll admit this is my first programming language. I like programming, and everything underlying being a programmer, but every time I attempted a programming language (C++, Java, BASIC) I failed miserably without getting so far as to get past 'Hello world!'. But with Python, I've found a new love of programming, and have held this in very high interests (I've made about three programs already, fully functional and quite useful) but I'm scared as to what tutorials I should learn from.

Originally I learned from invent with python, but I began to lose interest in the book about half way through (everything was cmd based, then it switched back from 3.0 to 2.6 to actually make some "real games"). I've also found how to think like a computer scientist was nice, but I never really seriously read it or got into it.

I took a trip to books a million, and my aunt purchased for me "Learning Python" by O'Reilly. I heard O'Reilly books were good, so how does this one match up? It says it teaches python 3.0 and 2.6 and it has a mouse on the front (fourth edition I believe)...So, will this book match up, and teach me some comprehensive python that other books did not? I ask stack overflow, because usually they can give solid reviews and not sprinkle any of the books as easy reads (unless they really are).


I can't speak to your book in particular, but you might check out the Python section on this StackOverflow question - List of freely available programming books.

Also, although the book is very elementary, you might also look at Hello World: Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners. It uses Python as the language to teach lots of basic programming concepts.

Ben McCormack
+1  A: 

I recommend Learn Python the Hard Way for someone just learning to program.

If you feel like really challenging yourself, you could try Dive Into Python 3, but it's probably more appropriate for people who already know how to program.

Hank Gay
DIP is not a great resource for the group it targets. It's full of technical errors, organized strangely, and has lots of really ugly examples.
Mike Graham
Haven't fully explored DIP 3, but DIP was great, albeit dated these days.
Hank Gay
+4  A: 

I don't particularly like the current version of "Learning Python" -- it's grown way too fat (the first edition was good and lean). My current favorite (to teach Python for non programmers) is "Python for Dummies" (I may be biased since the author are my friends, but then, so are the authors of many other Python books, so...;-). I also like "Core Python Programming" (whose author is a friend AND a colleague too;-) -- note that only about half the book is introductory, the other half or so is intermediate-level. Both only cover 2.5 (to the best of my knowledge) but that shouldn't be a big deal for someone new to programming.

My wife Anna (who knows more about introductory-teaching than I do, and is no stranger to Python;-) likes "Head First Programming", "Python for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist" and "Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners", but I have no first-hand experience with these books myself.

Alex Martelli

The second edition of Invent with Python does not use Python 2 for the pygame chapters. Perhaps you should download the newer one? (It has some corrections and changes.)

There aren't any other "programming for beginner" books in Python that are free.

Alvin SMith

I liked Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist. It's free, teaches what its title says, and goes at a good pace (especially for beginners), probably because the author is a CS teacher.

He'll have you writing code and solving problems very quickly. The exercises are excellent and very helpful.

It's a fun book. Hope you enjoy.
