When moving my project onto a new server, I was required to change the public folder from web to public_html. In addition, I wanted the symfony public files to be in a public folder, public_html/symfony. So they would be accessed by going to the website www.mysite.com/symfony
This was achieved by:
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
public function setup()
in one of my custom forms, I directly call some images to be displayed using
$this->renderContentTag('image','',array('src' => '/images/'.$object->getImageSrc()))
On my new server it is looking for the images in home/user/public_html/images/image1.gif instead of in the public_html/symfony directory that I thought I specified.
I don't want to have to change my custom form because I want to be able to change the sub folder easily. Why do my images point to public_html instead of public_html/symfony? I clearly misunderstood what setWebDir() does and any insight would be useful.