Hi folks,
I'm trying to mock an ASP.NET MVC2 Controller
using Moq but I get an error because i'm trying to mock an non-overridable property. How should I be doing this, please?
NOTE: the controller I'm trying to mock up is the (abstract
) ASP.NET MVC2 Controller
... not a custom controller. Why? I'm trying to test some custom controller extensions I have made. I don't actually have a custom controller class.
// My own test helper magic shiz.
httpContextBaseMock = MockHelpers.GetAnHttpContextBaseMock();
controllerContextMock = new Mock<ControllerContext>();
controllerContextMock.Setup(x => x.HttpContext)
controllerMock = new Mock<Controller>();
controllerMock.SetupGet(x => x.RouteData)
That last line fails with...
System.ArgumentException : Invalid setup on a non-overridable member: x => x.RouteData
So then I thought, I shouldn't be mocking the controllerContext
, but just creating an instance of it.. like what REA_ANDREW did in his SO question ...
var controllerContext = new ControllerContext(_httpContextBaseMock.Object,
new RouteData(), new Mock<ControllerBase>().Object);
var controller = new Controller(); <-- Cannot do this.
Controller class is abstract.
So i'm not sure if I need to make my own fake controller class, in some test helper utility that does nothing, but just inherits from Controller
. Then instantiate that.
But I feel that it should be all done using mock's, instead of starting out with some, then making some instances...
I'm so confused :(
I was asked to explain what code i'm trying to test. I've got a custom ViewResult i've made and the constructor set a single string property. I'm just making sure that property is set.
// Act.
var myResult = new MyResult(controllerMock.Object);
// Assert.
Assert.AreEqual("controllerName", myResult.ControllerName);