I've recently taken on the database/hibernate side of our project and am having terrible trouble understanding some fundamentals of our design regarding the use of managed sessions.
We have a util class containing a static session that is only initialised once. Retrieval of the session is used by every DAO in the system via a static method getBoundSession(). The application runs 24/7. Is this a common design?
One of the benefits which is extremely useful, is that lazy attributes/collections on domain objects can be used throughout the business logic tier since the session is always open. Another benefit is that the objects retreived will stay cached within the session.
I feel we must be using Hibernate in the wrong way, it just doesn't seem right to have a single permanently open session. Also it causes problems when separate threads are using the util class, hence sharing the session. On the flip side I can't find a way to achieve the above benefits (particularly the first) with a different design. Can anyone shed any light on this?