



I'm following this tutorial to set up an existing set of files for a web application, run on Tomcat6, packaged through NetBeans on Ubuntu 10:

And I'm stopped at the first step because it says to create a new project, and under categories select Java Web. This isn't a category available to me. What do I need to do to get started with a web application?

+1  A: 

You have to make sure that you have the right plugins installed.

Click on Tools>Plugins. Under Available Plugins look for Java Web and EE and install them.

Alternatively, when you download Netbeans you have the option to choose the appropriate package for yourself. You can select the package that includes Java Web and EE. It comes with Tomcat 6 and GlassFish server.

Vincent Ramdhanie
Thank you, that was quite simple :)

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