I'm using JSF/Facelets, and I'm trying to iterate over some Document objects (custom object) that I'm keeping in a HashMap. When the page is loaded, I'm getting the error "Property 'name' not found on type java.util.HashMap$Values". Here's what's in my backing bean:
private Map<String, Document> documents = new HashMap<String, Document>();
public Collection<Document> getDocuments(){
return documents.values();
And in my xhtml page:
<h:dataTable id="documentTable"
var="doc" rowClasses="list-row-odd, list-row-even"
headerClass="table-header" styleClass="bordered">
<h:column id="col_name">
<f:facet name="header">Name</f:facet>
If I change the getDocuments function to the following, it works (meaning the table is displayed without error), but I'm not sure why I need to put the values in the list for the JSF/Facelets page to display properly.
public List<Document> getDocuments(){
List<Document> rtrn = new ArrayList<Document>();
for(Document doc : documents.values())
return rtrn;
Shouldn't I be able to iterate over the Collection?