



I'm creating a project under eclipse that is to be shared by several developers. The instructions I found for creating an svn repository said to:

  1. svnadmin create /var/svn/draw
  2. create a directory with my project on the server, make directories under it including trunk
  3. put all code under trunk.

I copy in all the code, which is in src/ as usual for eclipse.

The problem is, when I check it out into eclipse, it's got directory trunk as well:


This means I have to change the project definitions. First question: Can I create a project, and administer it in subversion directly from eclipse?

Second: If not, how can I create the project in subversion so that its directory structure and eclipse project's are the same? Do I just have to initially create a trunk directory? Is there anything else I have to do?

+1  A: 

What is the overall folder structure here? Are you just putting the code files in ./trunk/src/ and keeping other files related to the project outside of ./trunk/? This may be a silly question, I'm just trying to get a feel for your SVN experience here. The eclipse project shouldn't be aware of the ./trunk/ folder if everything in the project is relative to its own root path and ./trunk/ is that root path.

Thanks,It's obvious now, I should have specified the URL with /trunk on it, and I think I had forgotten to copy some .files to the trunk directory, since they didn't show.
Is there any way to just say "create a new svn repository out of this project at this URL?
Inside of eclipse? I don't know, I've actually never used it :) In my experience with Visual Studio I've generally made it a point to keep VS and SVN blissfully unaware of each other, as I tend to see source control as a more filesystem-based thing. Kind of a separation of concerns, I guess. It's worked pretty well so far. All the IDE knows is that it has a project open, it doesn't care if it's trunk or a branch or in source control at all.
Also, you're the first person to mark one of my responses as an answer. Thanks for the positive reinforcement!
*Is there any way to just say "create a new svn repository out of this project at this URL?*Yes: right-click on the project, team -> share