



There's runserver in Django or ruby script/server in Ruby on Rails — those familiar with one of those frameworks should already get the idea what I'm looking for. They run tiny "standalone" web server, which is perfectly enough to debug the application locally, without any need for other software (Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd/etc).

I wonder is there any PHP implementation of such tool, or, maybe, some PHP framework has such feature? Surely, I can pack pre-built pre-configured static nginx executable, but this would not be pretty, and certainly not cross-platform. Having standalone debug webserver written in PHP itself will make the package self-contained.

I.e. I'd like to type something like php tools/runserver.php, point browser to http://localhost:8000/ and see the site up and running, ready to debug.

My Google-fu has failed me, but I strongly suspect that there is such project already.

+2  A: 

Found it: QuickPHP!

Check these out:

Alix Axel
Thanks. Not exactly what I'm looking for, though, because it's Windows-only binary — I've mentioned that when I wrote about shipping statically built nginx executable. I happen to develop mostly on GNU/Linux, while my friend works on MS Windows. And there are OS X guys out there too. Having webserver written in PHP would be ideal, as PHP is already the requirement anyway.
@drdaeman: Check my updated answer.
Alix Axel
+4  A: 

Not sure if this is what you're after, though it's actually more like a Tomcat for PHP, and I think (though I'm not sure) it still requires a webserver

Also, nanoweb is a web server written entirely in PHP

Mark Baker
Requirements: Web-Server with SCGI support (Apache, lighttpd, …).
Alix Axel
Thanks, but, no, it works under SCGI. What I'm looking for is just a simple and tiny HTTP server, capable of serving static files and running PHP code — nothing more. Obviously, there's no need for performance, security or any fancy features.
@drdaeman added link to nanoweb, written in PHP4.3. IIRC you need cygwin to run it under Windows - at least you used to, haven't used it in a long while
Mark Baker