



Google Terms says I can only use reverse geocoding in conjunction with a google map.

Is it ok if you first see the address in a uitableviewcell and then on a click see the location in a map (is this "in conjunction") ?

Tried two other free services but they don't find all locations as it seems.

Edit I see in an answer that I need to clarify
The app should get the current gps location first using CLLocationManager and this location (latt,long) should be translated into a street/city name and displayed on the cell. Then, after getting a green/yellow light and a location description that fits the accuracy needs of the user, the user should normally click on the cell causing a map to load with stores of a certain company that are nearby. ("normally" because he could also hit another cell "Enter different location").


Caveat emptor I am not a lawyer and this advice is not a substitute for actual legal advice.

Assuming that when you click on the address, only then the address is reverse-geocoded, and the marker is displayed on the map, then yes, that would certainly count as "in conjunction" in my book.

Sean Vieira
Actually the app should get the current gps location using CLLocationManager and this location (latt,long) should be translated into a street/city name and displayed on the cell. Then, after getting a green/yellow light and a location description that fits the reality the user should normally click on the cell causing a map to load with stores of a certain company that are nearby. ("normally" because he could also hit another cell "Enter different location")