I have a confusion about object lock. The below class having 4 methods, the method addB() is synchronized.
In my scienario, there are 4 threads. When a thread-2 access the addB() method (it creates a lock on Test object), will there any other thread access addC() or addD() same time?
Does the Object lock allows only one thread at a time ?
class Test{
private Integer a;
private Integer b;
private Integer c;
private Integer d;
public void addA(){
synchronized(a) {
public synchronized void addB(){
public void addC(){
public void addD(){
EDIT: I have 3 threads(t1, t2 and t3) , and each one is going to access addB(), addC() and addD(). If thread t1 access the method addB(), could thread t2 access addC() method simultaneously? If not what would be t2 state?
class Test{
private Integer a;
private Integer b;
private Integer c;
private Integer d;
public void addA(){
synchronized(a) {
public synchronized void addB(){
public synchronized void addC(){
public synchronized void addD(){