I have a RadTabStrip that just refuses to show up when page loads or reposts. Not certain what I would need to do to get this working at this point. No where in my code do I disable the control for it not to show up when loaded.
The Tabcollection is filled on postback, so I am not certain why this is happening. Even explicitly setting the enable property to true both on the client and the server side does not seem to work. Any idea what the problem might be?
Dim obj As loan = loan.GetInfo(intCurrent) Dim obj2 As Bo = Bo.GetInfo(objOL.key) rtab.Tabs.Add(New RadTab(objB.desc, objB.key.ToString)) rtab.Tabs.FindTabByValue(objB.key.ToString).Selected = True
If Not IsPostBack Then If (intCurrent > 0) Then If obj.key <> -1 Then
Dim objCo As coreelement = coreelement.GetInfo(obj.key) Dim cradTab As New RadTab(objCo.desc, objCo.rkey.ToString) rtab.Tabs.Add(radTabCoBor) End If
'rtab.DataBind() rtab.Enabled = True rtab.Visible = True
rtab.Skin = GetUserSettings.SkinDialog rtab.EnableAjaxSkinRendering = True End If End If