Hi all, regarding the following scala code, functions m2a and m2b apparently differ only by the case of the parameter, ie abc vs Abc. This seems to make some difference in the result as per example below. When running it with a recent 2.8 compiler, it results in the following (I would have expected all true). Any insights would be appreciated.
package sample
import scala.xml._
object ParamTest extends Application {
def m1(n:Node, abc:String):Boolean = {
n == <id>{Text(abc)}</id>
def m2a(n:Node, Abc:String):Boolean = n match {
case <id>{Text(Abc)}</id> => true
case _ => false;
// why does this one not work?
def m2b(n:Node, abc:String):Boolean = n match {
case <id>{Text(abc)}</id> => true
case _ => false;
def m3(n:Node, abc:String):Boolean = n match {
case Elem(_,"id",_,_, c @_ *) => {
c contains Text(abc)
def runner(n:Node, f:(Node, String)=>Boolean):Boolean = {
f(n, "x") && !f(n, "y") && !f(n, "");
val x = <id>x</id>
println("m1="+runner(x, m1));
println("m2a="+runner(x, m2a));
println("m2b="+runner(x, m2b));
println("m3="+runner(x, m3));